Eternally Confused and Eager for Love
Eternally Confused and Eager for Love

- Network: Netflix
- Category: Series
- Genre: Comedy (Sitcom)
- Type: Live Action
- Concept:Based on the experience of writer-director Rahul Nair
- Subject Matter: Romantic
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Season 1
Plot Synopsis
Often (mis)guided by a cheeky imaginary wizard, Ray, an awkward and lonely 20-something, struggles to get out of his own way in his quest for a girlfriend. The story opens with Ray lying about a big life event to save face, but his friends react unexpectedly. A date set up by his mother holds promise, unless nerves take over. Then, Ray chooses not to look up photos of a date before he meets her -- a decision that leads him to take a hard look in the mirror at his own reflection. The entire eight-episode first season of ETERNALLY CONFUSED AND EAGER FOR LOVE dropped on Friday, March 18, 2022 on Netflix.
Production & Distribution
- Produced by Excel Media
- Produced by Tiger Baby
- - India