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Painkiller: The Tylenol Murders

Painkiller: The Tylenol Murders

  • Premiered: 
    October 10, 2023
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Paramount+
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
  • Subject Matter: Crime
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    Season 1

Plot Synopsis

PAINKILLER: THE TYLENOL MURDERS is a five-part documentary that explores the true story about seven people, mostly in and around Chicago, who died suddenly and without explanation in 1982. The victims included three people from one family and a child from another. Eventually, a nurse quickly saw a common thread between the deaths -- the victims all took the common pain reliever Tylenol, but their capsules were laced with cyanide. The deaths were soon dubbed the "Tylenol Murders" and started a frenzy to find the person responsible as fear spread across the country and store owners pulled Tylenol from their shelves. PAINKILLER follows as investigators focus on a key suspect: James Lewis. In real-time, the five-part docuseries unravels the dark, complicated mystery of the crime, exploring the various police missteps and the madness that consumed Lewis, who lived in plain sight for more than 40 years. The series meticulously pieces together other crimes to which Lewis was connected, including extortion, dismemberment and another murder. Four decades later, the grieving families carry the horror of the heinous crime. Past clues and new technology raise the question: Could DNA evidence finally nail the killer? All five episodes of PAINKILLER dropped on Paramount+ on Tuesday, October 10, 2023.

Production & Distribution

  • Produced by WBBM Films/CBS Chicago