The Real Housewives of D.C.
The Real Housewives of D.C.

Photo Credit: Adam Olszweski/Bravo
- Network: Bravo
- Category: Series
- Genre: Reality
- Type: Live Action
- Concept:5th city in REAL HOUSEWIVES franchise, following The Real Housewives of New Jersey
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Season 1
Plot Synopsis
Five affluent, educated women -- some raising kids, some driving careers -- have relationships with each other and the city in which they live. They explore the nexus of politics and society, showing how the proximity to political power dictates where one fits within Beltway society and they interact with friends and family in ways determined by the unwritten social rules of the center of U.S. politics. These five women are: Mary Schmidt Amons is the granddaughter of Arthur Godfrey and a second generation Washingtonian, who spent childhood summers at the Kennedy residences, founded two charities, and has five children -- Lolly, Ryan, Alexandra, Meghan and Matt; Lynda Erkiletian moved to D.C. from the South, founded one of the city's top modeling agencies (T.H.E Artist Agency), is a staple on the social scene with her younger boyfriend, Ebong, and still manages to raise her brood -- Aaron, Jessica, Mihran, and Sam; Catherine 'Cat' Ommanney is a mother, interior designer and writer ("Inbox Full") who moved from London to D.C. with her two daughters, Jade and Ruby, after reuniting with and marrying her high school sweetheart, and she now socializes with Washington's elite crowd, counting many high-profile political figures among her friends; Michaele Salahi is a model who co-founded -- with her husband Tareq -- America's Polo Cup, allowing her to meet numerous political leaders from across the globe, but she and her husband are best known for crashing President Obama's White House state dinner for India in November 2009; Stacie Scott Turner has it all -- a Harvard MBA, successful real-estate practice, a vigorous civic and philanthropic agenda, a husband and two children -- but her passion really lies with her charity, Extra-Ordinary Life, for D.C. teenage girls in foster care.
Other Titles
- Also known as The Real Housewives of Washington, D.C.
Production & Distribution
- Produced by Half Yard Productions