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Rapid Recaps & TV Web-bits From Last Week (Apr. 25 - May 1, 2010)

Abe Fried-Tanzer - May 2, 2010


Each week TV Tango takes you around the dial and across the web so you can read recaps of the hottest programs and catch up on the biggest and best TV-related lists, news stories & fun sites/links from the previous week.



Rapid Recaps From Last Week

Chuck – "Chuck Versus the Honeymooners" (4/26/2010)    

Chuck and Sarah remain aboard a train in France rather than reporting home for duty, and find their bliss interrupted when Chuck flashes on a passenger on the train. Both try to deal with the situation without the other knowing in an effort to leave the spy life behind forever. Casey and Morgan head to France to bring the lovebirds back, while Ellie struggles with having to leave for Africa without saying goodbye to Chuck.  


24 – "Day 8: 10:00AM – 11:00AM" (4/26/2010)


Jack races to outrun his pursuers and finds a way to get to Dana Walsh so he can extract information she knows about the Russian involvement in the terrorist plot. Chloe and Cole debate whether they should help Jack or get him into custody before he gets himself into even more trouble. President Logan convinces President Taylor to hire a private security team to learn what Dana knows and destroy the evidence she possesses.  


Glee – "Home" (4/27/2010)


After Sue books the auditorium for the entire month, Will searches for a new venue where the glee club can hold practice and encounters April Rhodes (Kristin Chenoweth). Kurt tries to get closer with Finn by setting his dad up with Finn’s mom, but is hurt when his dad and Finn bond over their love of sports. Mercedes is told by Sue that she needs to lose weight but takes issue with the unhealthy demands put upon her.  


NCIS: Los Angeles – "Fame" (4/27/2010)


A marine is found dead in a car belonging to a celebrity heiress, and the team has trouble deducing whether she should be considered a suspect or a victim. Kensi goes undercover to befriend the heiress and figure out why the marine was killed. Deeks works as the LAPD Liaison Officer to NCIS, and Callen begins to suspect that Hetty may be trying to keep him around in a more permanent role.  


The Good Wife – "Boom" (4/27/2010)


Jonas Stern represents a woman suing a client of the firm’s over the publication of a cartoon depicting the prophet Muhammad that led to a journalist’s death. Stern reminds Alicia that she cannot reveal his condition because it is covered under attorney-client privilege. An associate of Stern’s tries to poach Cary. Peter learns that a former friend of his is planning to testify against him.  


Modern Family – "Travels with Scout" (4/28/2010)


Phil’s father (Fred Willard) shows up with his RV and dog in tow, and Claire suspects that marital troubles have brought him to their home for a surprise visit. Cameron steps in to replace the drummer in Dylan’s band but spends a bit too much time hogging the spotlight. Jay takes Manny to see a scary movie and regrets it when he starts acting paranoid all the time. Claire is wary of adopting a dog because she worries she’ll have to take care of it all by herself.  


FlashForward – "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" (4/29/2010)


Janis’ past as a double agent is revealed as she struggles with the moral dilemmas of having to spy on her colleagues. Olivia is contacted by Gabriel and learns that they share a mysterious connection. In Afghanistan, Aaron encounters trouble in his search to find his daughter. Mark tries to put together the pieces of what they’ve learned in order to prevent the next blackout.  


The Office – "Body Language" (4/29/2010)


Michael interferes with a joint sale Jim and Pam are trying to make to the manager at the bar from happy hour. Everyone tells him she’s not interested in him but Pam encourages him to keep trying. Gabe talks to Darryl about applying for the Diversity Management Program, and Dwight opts to come up with his own minority candidate in order to rise in the ranks of Sabre, but finds Kelly Kapoor to have a mind all her own.  


30 Rock – "Argus" (4/29/2010)


Jack has trouble saying goodbye to Don Geiss after his mentor leaves him his prized peacock in his will. Liz deals with multiple problems at once, which include trying to convince Grizz to have Tracy be his best man since Dot Com is in love with his fiancée and understanding why Jenna is dating a man who impersonates her during his nighttime act.  



TV Web-bits From Last Week




Abe Fried-Tanzer is a student at New York University majoring in cinema studies and journalism. He makes it his priority each year to see every Oscar-nominated film and watch every new television pilot, and writes reviews and awards predictions on his personal movie and TV blogs.