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Emmy Awards Preview: Interview with Host Jimmy Fallon, 90 Emmy Fun Facts and Governors Ball Menu

Maj Canton - August 27, 2010


TV Tango recently participated in a conference call with Jimmy Fallon, who will host the Primetime Emmy Awards this Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 8pm ET on NBC. Jimmy took the time to talk about his role as host, the Emmy Twitter contest, and, of course, Betty White.


Plus, after the interview, we included some fun facts about the Emmys and the Governor's Ball.

A note for our West Coast readers: There is no tape delay this year since the Primetime Emmy Awards will be broadcast live coast-to-coast; so be ready to watch earlier than usual.



Question: Are you getting a lot of tweets already from people suggesting introductions for presenters?

Jimmy Fallon: Yes, they're starting to come in already. Now it’s finally up and running which is very exciting.


We thought this was a pretty cool idea to do because this technology really hasn't existed in the past. Now Twitter’s out there and it's happening so I think it could be a good thing because it gives people the chance.


Here's what we're basically doing. If you go to that [site], it’ll give you a list of presenters that you could possibly write the intro for. So for example if it's Jon Hamm, you could be sitting in your apartment watching the Emmys and say "My grandmother wants to leave my grandfather for Jon Hamm" or something like that. I didn't even think about this. Jon Hamm himself could tweet in and say "This man is bigger than Jesus."


And then that would be the one we choose and that would be our intro. So it's going to be fun.


We've done things with Twitter on our show at LATE NIGHT and they usually work out and it usually turns out really funny. It's fun for the audience as well as our show.

Question: Do you have any favorites in the variety category, where Conan is up against your old show SNL?

Jimmy Fallon: The Academy told me I can't. I'm not allowed to gamble this year. It's the Pete Rose Clause. And so I can't legally say who I'm rooting for. But if Conan does win, I'm sure he'll say something really funny.


Question: Do you know if Betty White will be there and whether she'll play a prominent role?

Jimmy Fallon: Betty White will be attending. Hopefully she's not drunk, please dear Lord. I mean it is just a mess. It is just a mess.


When we were out at a John Mayer concert the other night, it was just a mess getting her home and just getting her in the limousine. So she promised me she’s going to clean up her act.


But she's a classy lady and she's a great sport.


I mean the fact is it's a room full of like hundreds of your favorite television stars. And so my job as a host is to make sure the show’s exciting and entertaining and moves quickly for the people in the room but also put on a show for everyone watching at home.


And really everyone at home wants to see their favorite stars. So I want to get as many people involved as I can, whoever will do a bit or something with me. I'm going to reach out to everybody. 

Question: Why would anybody want to be the host when they're likely going to get heavily criticized Monday morning, regardless of what they do?

Jimmy Fallon: It's a tough gig, but you can't really do it for the reviews. I mean I'm hosting my show now for I think we’re almost we’re coming on our 300th show. So that's what I do for a living. I host.


So this is just another hosting gig but it's at that uber level, and it's the biggest audience I'll ever be hosting in front.


I mean it’s a big opportunity for me. People who haven't seen my show get to see what I can do and just to get to know me a little bit. So I think I'm going to use that -- that's probably the real win for me.


I hope, of course, I get good reviews, but as I said I'm going to be doing Neil Patrick Harris’s opening from last year which got pretty decent reviews. So if I can get half of the good ones he got I'm psyched.

Question: Is there anything you can tell us that you're aiming for exactly?

Jimmy Fallon: I can't. I like people to be surprised. I really do. There's nothing like that emotion of seeing something on TV and you’re going "Oh wow, that was just exciting."


I mean I could tell you but, you don't even want to know. I know you have to ask because that's your job but nobody wants to know the ending of LOST at the first episode. You want to be surprised and go "My gosh!" and then talk about it.


So I can tell you that I want to involve other people in the opening. And that it's going to be really fun. I think everyone will enjoy the opening.


Question: Are there any hosts that you're specifically pulling from as inspiration for what you're going to do?

Jimmy Fallon: Not necessarily. We just kind of go at it. As soon as they asked me to host, I was honored and got immediately like 200 ideas of what I should do. And I wrote out probably 100 of them. And then I gave to the producers and he was like "These are all great, but we do actually have to give out awards during the show. And so we have to whittle this down."


So we picked the best of what we had. And I think it's good. I'm not going to make it the best of JIMMY FALLON SHOW. It’s just going to be more about the nominees and how cool it is that everyone's in the same room at the same time.


Question: You've already won two Emmys this year. What was your first reaction when you heard you won?

Jimmy Fallon: That was really cool. We got nominated for two Emmys and we won both -- one for editing and one for our Web site.


There was a lot of cheering and screaming and crying -- and that was just in my dreams the night before. I had a bad dream. And I don’t want to talk about it. It's a long story. But yes, a lot of emotions.


Question: Do you watch a lot of TV to prepare to be the host?

Jimmy Fallon: I have five TiVos cranking at one point. Whether it be taping the new season of JERSEY SHORE or ASK THIS OLD HOUSE, I've got it on TiVo. I basically have a museum of a 2010 television in my apartment.


Question: Are there any people you wanted to meet growing up and you recently met?

Jimmy Fallon: Hosting our show, you get to see stars. I go "My gosh, I can't believe I'm sitting here talking to Michael Caine" and we’re actually relating to the same subject. We’re having a conversation.


Or Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. These are people I never in my life would think I’d sit down and just have a conversation with them.

I mean, we don't travel in the same circles. Me and Michael Caine do though. We always go to the same bridge games.


Question: What do you think makes a good presenter?

Jimmy Fallon: Well I think a good presenter is someone who looks for those moments at any award show.


I can host and I could write out anything I want, but really the show is the moment. So you go like "Oh yeah, that person's speech was awful" or "That person’s speech was great" or "That girl's dress was awful."


You look for those moments and you go "My God, that was great." So I'm kind of hoping that there will be that Jack Palance push up moment. Everyone looks for that. I doubt we'll be seeing Betty White doing any push-ups, but if I can convince her that would really save me a lot of guff. I'd be really psyched if she did it.


And it’s live. It’s live on both coasts the first time in 30 years. So there's no spoilers. You can tweet out who the winner was and it’s not going to ruin anyone's experience because the people on the West Coast are watching it at the same time as the people on the East Coast which is really cool.


It's very exciting being out here because I'm from New York and I'm in the business but I don't really focus on it that much. I think LA is nothing but the business. It’s the trades and it's really fun. I'm staying in a hotel in Beverly Hills and there’s Hollywood Reporters and Variety's and LA Times. It's all about the business.


It's actually making me a little bit more nervous or excited for the show than I was. I'm like "Oh wow. God, I guess it is a big deal."

Question: Are we going to see your GLEE parody 6-Bee since the whole cast will be there?

Jimmy Fallon: I don't know. I’m in the Nokia theater right now. I'm in rehearsals right now. And so I know a bunch of people are coming through. I don't want to give anything away and say anything, and I really wish you wouldn't either. I like people being surprised. I think it's more fun for the viewers to not know. Just know that it's the Emmys and it's going to be fun.

I know a lot of the GLEE kids are nominated. I am a Gleek. So if I can play with those guys I'd love to.


Question: What's your biggest challenge preparing to host?

Jimmy Fallon: Keeping my weight down. I got Spanx made. Tom Forward made my Spanx this year. If you were going to ask me who I'm wearing that's what I'd say.


I'm a little nervous. I've thrown up a couple times. Not actually because I’m nervous because I just want to lose weight. It’s a faster way to lose weight if you just throw up all your food. But I'm really just kind of excited.


I'm here now. I want to rehearse. I want to see where the entrances are and how I walk out and I want to really want to get comfortable with the stage. 


I had fun here last year when I got to play when Neil was hosting. And I think I'm going to have a lot of fun this year too. I wish I could air it tomorrow so you could see. I'm pretty proud of what we’re doing.

Question: What does that mean to you that your show is popular and critically acclaimed?

Jimmy Fallon: It's exciting. When we went into the show, we were just following a guy who'd been in your TV set for 16 years. It’s not an easy thing to follow.


I didn't know how it was going to turn out. I didn't know if the critics were going to like our show of if we were going to get anything.


The fact that we won Emmys doesn't make any sense to me. This is all happening so fast. We worked so hard so I feel like we deserve it, but we're really still babies. I've only been on a year and a half so we're still excited and laughing going like this is amazing.


And then the Emmy opportunity came up and I'm like "this is off the charts." What a crazy year this has been or a year and a half.


But I can't be happier with the way everything’s turning out as far as our show. I really don't pay that much attention to the ratings, but I'm told by other people that our ratings have been pretty good. We've been doing well, especially in the past couple of months. So that's always good.


And when you win an Emmy or any of that stuff or get recognized it's a good morale for the office. Like when you guys write something about our show or put a joke that we wrote in the monologue in your papers, it means the world to us because it gets back to us. And if something’s on a blog or a Web site and people say "Hey, this was a funny bit on the show," office morale goes through the roof.


So it really affects our confidence level and affects our show and makes our show better when we get good reviews or accolades.

Question: Which Emmy-nominated shows are you secretly rooting for?

Jimmy Fallon: I watch a lot of TV. So I got to say I don't want to pick any favorites.


Of course SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE is.  That's what made me who I am so I do love SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE. I think that show’s underrated. The fact they’re doing a live show that they put together in a week and just do a live show with all the costumes, changes and all that stuff during commercial breaks. It’s just a fascinating show. I learned so much on that show so I do love that.


But gosh, there's just so many fun people. I'm psyched to be friends with a lot of these people because they're all showing up and they all help me out.


And I know [Stephen] Colbert is going to present, Ricky Gervais is going to present, Tina Fey is going to present, Julianna Margulies is going to present. And I’ve had all these people on the show and they're all great. Just the fact that they all came out and want to present and do a fun bit on the show just helps me out and makes my job a little bit easier.

Question: How did the idea for the Twitter contest start?

Jimmy Fallon: Well you know just as well as I do, old people love to tweet. That is something that is known. So I’m really going for the older crowd with Twitter. That's kind of obvious.


But I had a bunch of ideas. I sat with some of my writer's and I’m like "What can we do? How do we make it interactive?" We were going to have people tweet if they want to see a BOY MEETS WORLD reunion. Stuff like that. That was a little bit too extreme on one end. You have to go kind of broad so that everyone can join in on the fun and get creative.


And we've done this bit in our show called hash tags where we put out a hash tag like #MyParentsAreWeird. And then people just write in and they tell us why their parents are weird. Someone put that my mom is weird because she dances at the ATM machine because she knows the security cameras are on and the she wants to give the security guys a little entertainment.


That is hilarious. I would never write that. That's not even a joke, but the fact that someone's submitted that is funny and hilarious. And I think it works well for my audience because they get to be part of the show and it works great for our show because it's good fun.


And so we were thinking what can we do? And I think this thing will work out. It's already live and we've already gotten some good ones already so I feel pretty confident about that.

Question: What are you doing to make sure you fit into your Emmy tux?

Jimmy Fallon: I maintain my weight so far, so all the things still fit. I tried the tux on last night, it’s all good.


But I'm working out with The Situation from JERSEY SHORE. He's kind of my trainer these days. So I meet up with him. We sit around. We both do like 5000 crunches. And then we just go to Pinkberry and just talk about politics and stuff.


But to be honest, I've been drinking green juice everyday, which you obviously know is a mix of all that stuff like kale and spinach and cucumber. It's pretty. It tastes like lawn clippings, let's be honest.


I've been doing that and just getting on the treadmill and doing a bunch of cardio trying to get in shape just so I'm not out of breath standing at a podium and reading names. I just want to make sure that doesn't happen. So I'm on the treadmill every day.

Question: What's your take on weight-loss reality programs like BIGGEST LOSER and MONEY HUNGRY? Do you watch any of them?

Jimmy Fallon: I watch BIGGEST LOSER. I think it's amazing. I like the idea that people can just see that they can totally physically change. They can look totally different. The winners look drastically different. And that you send that message out to people that if you do workout, it is possible you can completely change.


You’d have to quit your job and do nothing but work out all day, eight hours a day. So it's going to take much longer than the eight weeks on the show, but I think the message that you could get healthy and get your stuff together is pretty cool.


CELEBRITY FIT CLUB? I'm not sure about that. That kind of derailed it for me. I think the second season of that, they lost the fitness part of it and just wanted some scandal and it just got weird.


But I watch all those shows. I like any of that stuff.


Better than even the weight lost show is Dr. Drew. I think that guy’s awesome. CELEBRITY REHAB. it's like crazy to watch someone in going through rehab and he doesn't try to make a big fight and make a big scandal out of it. He actually just tries to talk them through it and help them through it. And I think even SEX REHAB is a great show. I was thinking of going on SEX REHAB, but then I figured I’d host the Emmys first. Priorities.

Question: Are your writers from your show also helping with the Emmy broadcast or is a whole new set of people doing the writing?

Jimmy Fallon: It's a whole new set of people. It's like the Emmys have their people who write the intros to the the presenter bits and all that stuff.


And they have their own band so the Roots aren't coming. The Academy has their own people that they have to use.


The Academy paid for four of our writers to come out from my show so we have Amy, Gerard, Deech and Miles, our head writer. And then a few of the other writers like Bashir, Dialla and Morgan are just going to come out and I'm going to pay them with a Starbucks gift card and thank them for coming. Just maybe like 100 bucks on their cards just so they can come out in case we have any last minute things.


People think there’s always writers in the back room backstage like "Oh, this is the moment, we've got to write this out." But the truth is it's the host really that has to just be quick and be honest because if something happens onstage you just got to quickly think of a bit and do it. You can't be like oh well all right, that happened. Let's pause everything. You can't pause a live show. I mean you can with TiVo and DVRs but you can't in the award show. You can't write a big bit over something that just happened. You just kind of have to react using your brain.


So they're here to keep my confidence high almost like height men in the hip-hop community. It's going to be fun and they're all out here and they're all psyched to be out here.

But we’re working well with the other people. They're great people. The Academy knows how to do these award shows pretty well.

Question: If you dress up on stage as Robert Pattinson, what complaints would you add to his bother list for the night?

Jimmy Fallon: "What's with the long speeches? Well who cares, we know you want to thank your wife. You have to or else you’ll get divorced? We get it."


What else would he say? I’d have to write it out. But I'd have to write it to be able to do that. But I'm trying to think of what else.


"Why is it a red carpet? Why is it not a green one"


He'd probably make complaint to like why do we have to go outdoors and general sparkles in the sunlight? "I mean look at me. LA is nothing but sparkling people. Vampires can’t come to LA."


Question: What personal traits do you have that are going to make you a better host than Neil Patrick Harris?

Jimmy Fallon: I don't know if I will be. I think he did a great job last year. But I just know that I love this gig. I'm excited about doing it. I'm honored to do it. I want to keep it moving, keep it fast, keep it respectable.


And it's a fun night. I mean you're sitting at home. I've done this. You want to see all your favorite stars. They're all in one room for two hours. And you get to make fun of them. You get to tweet about them. You get to love them. You get to see new people you've never heard of.


It's a real fun exciting event and I’m just so psyched to be hosting it and happy. I'm very happy.


Question: You recently said that you want to have children. Who is your celebrity father role model?

Jimmy Fallon: My celebrity father role model? I don’t know, Brad Pitt looks like a good dad. It looks like he's pretty fun. I think he’s cool. I've seen him with his kids and he's actually a really fun guy, playful but yet he's a good dad.


FUN FACTS About the 62nd Primetime Emmy® Awards









  • Over the Lifetime of a Series
    • ER is the most nominated scripted series with 124.
    • FRASIER has the most wins with 37 Emmys.
    • For reality-competition series, AMERICAN IDOL is the most nominated with 48 nods, and THE AMAZING RACE has the most wins with 12 Emmy awards.
  • Fox drama series 24 has totaled 68 nominations and 18 wins over the course of its run.
  • CURB YOUR ENTHUSIAM’S Larry David is this years most nominated performer (he is actor, writer, producer) with 21. He has never won for CURB even though he has been nominated six times. He did win two Emmys (1993) for writing SEINFELD.
  • Tina Fey has 7 Emmys and Betty White has 5 wins.



  • Anne Bancroft and Mel Brooks
  • Bonnie Bartlett and William Daniels
  • Colleen Dewhurst and George C. Scott
  • Lynn Fontanne and Alfred Lunt
  • Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy
  • Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn
  • Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue
  • Lynn Whitfield and Brian Gibson
  • Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman



  • Lucille Ball and Lucie Arnaz
  • Tony and Danny and Dae Bennett
  • James and Tyne Daly
  • Buz and David and Jenji Kohan
  • Walter C. and Paul Miller
  • Christopher and Amanda Plummer
  • Carl and Rob Reiner
  • George Stevens and George Stevens, Jr.
  • George Stevens, Jr. and Michael Stevens
  • Donald and Kiefer Sutherland
  • Danny and Marlo and Tony Thomas


FUN FACTS About the Governors Ball for the 62nd Primetime Emmy® Awards

  • Menu devised by Chef Joachim Splichal's Patina Restaurant Group & Patina Catering Exec Chef Alec Lestr
  • 15th year Patina has prepared the food for the Emmys
  • 3,600 Guests
  • 3,600 Place Settings
  • 10,000 Pieces of China
  • 2,500 Champagne Flutes
  • 1,200 Staff On-Site
  • 200 Technicians
  • 180 Cooks in the Kitchen
  • 13 Executive Restaurant Chefs on-site in the Kitchen
  • 85 Managers
  • 45 Bartenders
  • 2 Grey Goose Ice Bars
  • 4416 Bottles of Beaulieu Vineyard® Wine
  • 360 Bottles of Beaulieu Vineyard® Dessert Wine
  • Beaulieu Vineyard Wine Bar featured in the center of the ballroom
  • 1,750 California Avocadoes
  • 900 Pounds Heirloom Tomatoes
  • 984 Pounds of Rack of Lamb
  • 300 Pounds of Chickpeas
  • 15 Pounds of Fresh Rosemary
  • 800 Pounds of Dark Chocolate
  • An assortment of 14,400 Duncan Hines® turtle brownies and brown butter toffee blondies in 3,600 zodiac-themed keepsake boxes
  • The basic prep takes place at the Patina Central Catering Kitchen over a 5-day period by a crew of 50 people per day
  • Most of the proteins and basic components are cooked at the event site, immediately before service
  • 30 Performers for the Guests Entertainment!
  • One 565 pound mirror ball rotating over the center stage
  • The Ballroom is the length of one football field and double the width
  • Audio uses green power amplifiers
  • 85% of the audio is connected via CAT5 cable
  • An audio monitor console will be controlled and mixed by a gentleman using a wireless tablet computer near the, is unheard of, due to dance floor surrounding the stage
  • 5,220 Fiber optic points inside decorative spheres
  • 50,000 Square Feet of Starfield Drapery
  • 36 Spheres
  • 12 Beaded Columns
  • 5,082 Mirror Balls
  • 5,000 White Calla Lilies
  • 20,000 White Roses
  • 50,000 Carnations