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People Magazine Presents: Crimes of the 2010s

Episode List: People Magazine Presents: Crimes of the 2010s

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Date  (↑) Episode # Title Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
08/19/2024 01-001  2010: Who Is Lori Ruff?  ID       
08/20/2024 01-002  2011: Tennessee Stalker  ID       
08/21/2024 01-003  2012: The So-Cal Killer  ID       
08/22/2024 01-004  2013: Match Made in Hell  ID       
08/23/2024 01-005  2014: The Deadliest Taboo  ID       
08/26/2024 01-006  2015: Broken Arrow Murders  ID       
08/27/2024 01-007  2016: The Ghost Killer  ID       
08/28/2024 01-008  2017: Innocent Prey  ID       
08/29/2024 01-009  2018: To Live and Die in L.A.  ID       
08/30/2024 01-010  2019: The Valley of Hell  ID