7:00 pm |
7:30 pm |
8:00 pm |
8:30 pm |
9:00 pm |
9:30 pm |
10:00 pm |
10:30 pm |
 A&E |
Off the Beaten Path
 ABC |
- Rating: 4.1
- Share: 7
- Viewers: 7.2
Sharrock Family
- Rating: 5.1
- Share: 8
- Viewers: 8.6
And Lots of Security...; Come on Over for Dinner
- Rating: 6.6
- Share: 10
- Viewers: 10.3
 AMC |
 Animal Planet |
Prairie Dog Chatter
Electric Executioner
 BET |
I'm Coming Out!
 bio |
Jennifer; Neely Ann
 Bravo |
Cutting Loose
 CBS |
- Rating: 7.9
- Share: 14
- Viewers: 12.2
Seems Like a No-Brainer
- Rating: 7.1
- Share: 11
- Viewers: 13.3
- Rating: 5.9
- Share: 9
- Viewers: 10.9
 CNN |
Inside the Mission: Getting bin Laden
Education in America: Don't Fail Me
 Cooking Channel |
Updated Classics
 DirecTV |
Wise Monkeys
 Discovery |
Wolf Hybrids; Macaque; Backyard Tigers
Range War
Killing bin Laden
 Disney |
The Break Up
 E! |
The Return of Joe Odom
You Passed on Gaga
Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees
 ESPN2 |
Summit Racing Equipment Southern Nationals
NCAA Tournament, Round 1: Villanova at Denver
NCAA Tournament, Round 1: Siena at Syracuse
 Food Network |
WWE Wrestling Cakes
Child's Play (a.k.a. Unorthodox BBQ and Birthday Party)
Flay vs. Stein
 Fox |
The Blue and the Gray (Repeat)
- Rating: 1.8
- Share: 3
- Viewers: 3.2
Flirting with Disaster
- Rating: 2.2
- Share: 4
- Viewers: 3.9
500 Keys
- Rating: 3.2
- Share: 5
- Viewers: 6
- Rating: 2.5
- Share: 4
- Viewers: 4.7
Foreign Affairs
- Rating: 3.6
- Share: 5
- Viewers: 6.4
Hot Cocoa Bang Bang
- Rating: 2.8
- Share: 4
- Viewers: 4.9
 Fox Soccer |
Philadelphia Independence at Atlanta Beat
 Golf Channel |
Live from the Players Championship
 HBO |
The Wolf and the Lion
Santa Claus, Do You Ever Get the Blues?
Go with the Flow
 History |
Dam This City
 ION |
Road House (1989) (Repeat)
Maverick (1994) (Repeat)
Caddyshack (1980) (Repeat)
 Lifetime |
Battle Buddies
Short-Stack Surprise
Motor City (aka Detroit)
 Nat Geo |
X-Ray Earth
Deadly Sea
 NBC |
- Rating: 2.5
- Share: 4
- Viewers: 4
The Family That Plays Together
- Rating: 2
- Share: 3
- Viewers: 3.4
Retro Rumble
- Rating: 4.2
- Share: 6
- Viewers: 6.8
 OWN |
Battling Betrayal
 PBS |
Bears of the Last Frontier (Part 2 of 3): The Road North
Part 3 of 3
The Storm That Swept Mexico
 Showtime |
The Art of War
 Smithsonian |
Pirates of the Caribbean
Invisible Killer
Louwman Museum
 Spike |
Out with the Coal, In with the New
 style |
Wild and Untamed (Part 2 of 2)
Gatsby Global Domination
 TLC |
No Place for Home
A Piercing Pleasure & Losing My Manhood
 TNT |
CHICAGO BULLS 103, Miami Heat 82
 Travel |
 TV Guide |
 USA |
Boots on the Ground
Love in the Time of Colorado
 Versus |
Cycling: Tour of California, Stage 1
VANCOUVER CANUCKS 3, San Jose Sharks 2
 VH1 |
Unfinished Business
Rachel's Hair Trigger
 WE |
Clock, Glam and Shoes Cake