7:00 pm |
7:30 pm |
8:00 pm |
8:30 pm |
9:00 pm |
9:30 pm |
10:00 pm |
10:30 pm |
 3net |
The Battle of New San Diego
 ABC |
- Rating: 3.9
- Share: 6
- Viewers: 6.9
Lady of the Lake (Repeat)
- Rating: 2.3
- Share: 3
- Viewers: 3.6
- Rating: 3.6
- Share: 6
- Viewers: 5.2
 Animal Planet |
The Great Alaskan Legend
Bigfoot Hoedown
Garbage: One Mile High....Live
Tori Amos
 BBC America |
The First Doctor
 BET |
34th Annual (Repeat)
 Big Ten |
Michigan at Illinois
 Bravo |
Make an Ass Out of a Donkey
Hard for Me to Say I'm Sorry
 CBS |
- Rating: 7.6
- Share: 12
- Viewers: 11.6
Shell Shock (Part 2) (Repeat)
- Rating: 5
- Share: 7
- Viewers: 7.5
The Seven Day Rule
- Rating: 6.3
- Share: 9
- Viewers: 9.3
The Red Barn
- Rating: 6.8
- Share: 11
- Viewers: 10.5
 Cooking Channel |
Food Crawl with Lee Anne Wong
 Destination America |
Father vs. Son
 Discovery |
Monster Squid: The Giant Is Real
 Disney |
The Bone Identity
Girlfriends & Girl Friends
Quit It Up
 Disney XD |
Mr. Alligator
 DIY |
The Pool
 E! |
The 2013 SAG Awards
Atlanta Hawks at New York Knicks
Florida State at Miami
Creighton at Southern Illinois
 Food Network |
Picky Palates
Symon vs. Tio
 Fox |
Beefsquatch (Repeat)
- Rating: 1.1
- Share: 2
- Viewers: 1.9
The Wide World of Cleveland Show
- Rating: 1.4
- Share: 2
- Viewers: 2.6
Changing of the Guardian
- Rating: 2.8
- Share: 4
- Viewers: 5.2
Broadcast Wagstaff School News
- Rating: 2.2
- Share: 3
- Viewers: 4.1
The Giggity Wife
- Rating: 3.2
- Share: 5
- Viewers: 5.6
Blood Crieth Unto Heaven
- Rating: 2.6
- Share: 4
- Viewers: 4.3
 H2 |
 HBO |
Bad Friend
Higher Power
Upsize and Upgrade from Washington to the Big Island
 History |
Shelby's New Toy
Judgment Day
 ID |
A Family's Honor
Not a Routine Call
A Deadly Secret
 ION |
Mr. Monk's 100th Case (Repeat)
Mr. Monk Is Hypnotized (Repeat)
D.A.W. (Repeat)
Consumed (Repeat)
 Live Well |
Savannah, GA
 MHz Worldview |
The Path of the Righteous Man
 Nat Geo |
Sticking Point
The Numbers War
Raising Hell
 NBC |
AFC vs. NFC (Honolulu, HI)
- Rating: 5.6
- Share: 9
- Viewers: 9.3
NFC 62, AFC 35 (Aloha Stadium; Honolulu, HI)
- Rating: 7.1
- Share: 11
- Viewers: 12.2
AFC vs. NFC (Honolulu, HI)
- Rating: 4.1
- Share: 7
- Viewers: 6.6
 NBC Sports |
Minnesota Wild at St. Louis Blues
 OWN |
LL Cool J
 Oxygen |
Teresa Stone
 Pac 12 |
Colorado at Stanford
Stanford at Utah
 PBS |
 Showtime |
May I Trim Your Hedges?
Dead Rock Stars
 Smithsonian |
MV Stornes
Antonov 124
 tbs |
19th Annual
 TLC |
You Don't Know Boo!
Plastic Wives
 TNT |
19th Annual
 Travel |
Trip of a Lifetime
 truTV |
Torching the Competition
Israeli Angst
 VH1 |
Of Vice and Men